
Monday, March 12, 2012

3 weeks and some days!

Really???....almost a month old?  Where does the time go? 

Well, our "vacation" is over - Garrett went back to work today, which means I am now a stay at home mom for the next two and half months.  Graycen and I managed fairly well; the dogs, however, were a little neglected today.  Hendrix doesn't seem to mind the alone time , but Halen has been pouting and sulking all day.  I think he is suffering from post-partum depression :)

Graycen had another doctor's appointment today to check her weight.  At our last appointment she had gained an ounce and was above her birth weight, but over the last week and a half, she has lost .5 lbs weighing in at 5 lbs 2 oz.  She had been throwing up this weekend, so the doctor decided to send us to Children's Hospital for an ultrasound just to make sure that her stomach, etc. wasn't blocked.  Thankfully, the ultrasound was fine. 

Graycen also had her bilirubin levels checked again today, and it looks like she hasn't really gotten over the jaundice.  So, we are doing a 2 day formula only diet - no breast milk - to see if her bilirubin levels will drop.  The formula regime seems to bother me (my baby has to eat powdery fake milk from a can) more than it bothers her - she is taking the bottle and formula just fine.  Thankfully, she takes after Garrett and will eat anything. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, a month already! Time will go very fast, Robin. I remember those infant days like it was last week and for me it was more than 20 years ago!
    Good to see everyone is well!!
