Our 6th Annual Orphaned Thanksgiving with Brooke and Adam was a success! My brother, Adam, was also able to join us this year. It was fun to have him join us - it's been about 8 years since I've had a Thanksgiving with him. We continue to make more feed then we can possible eat in one night, or 8. But, at least we all get to have leftovers for days :)
Graycen was able to enjoy dinner with us - turkey, sweet potatoes and cauliflower.
Oops...we're a little late with this post. We've been battling the flu bug and then Thanksgiving prep :)
9 Months Old!!! Seriously, where is the time going?
Weight - 15lbs 12oz (8th percentile, so we are supplementing with formula) Height - 26.75" (25th percentile)
Still eating her socks :)
Our quiet, little angel baby is no longer...well, she is still little and still an angel, but DEFINITELY not quiet!!!! Graycen continues to believe that louder is better.
Now, that Graycen is mobile, she is also keeping us on our toes. Our living room can go from organized to cluttered in about 10 seconds - she likes to have all of her toys out on the floor where she can see them.
We can't baby-proof fast enough, but at least she is helping by "showing" us what needs to be done :) Thanksfully, Grandma and Poppa are coming for a visit so they can help us install gates, cabinet locks, etc.
Helping me get ready...
Although she's keeping us busy, we are having so much fun with this stage. Her personality is joyous - it is contagious and impossible to have a bad day or bad mood when she's around. She is such a happy baby....and, I think probably the "favorite" at her daycare. Her teachers always tell us how much they love her and want to clone her. I love hearing this, and it makes the "daycare struggle" a little easier for me. I know she's happy and very well taken care of.
Graycen loves to laugh. She loves to hear herself laugh and tries out many different styles, volumes, etc. One of her favorite games is the "fake laugh game." We fake laugh and then she mimicks our laugh.
She's already working on her next trick - pulling up on furniture:
It took her awhile, but she FINALLY figured out how to make her arms and legs work together. She went from spinning herself around in circles when on her tummy, to rocking back and forth on her hands and knees, then a slithering military crawl and now....crawling!!!!