
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Crazy Eight!

Look who's 8 months old...
Time is going so fast....too fast these days.  There have been so many moments that I wished for a pause button.   I'm not sure if has always gone this fast and just didn't need to notice it, or if in the last 8 months time has decided to speed up.  But either way, I cannot believe that Graycen is already 8 months old.  She's becoming so independent in many ways - it's a sad and happy time for us.  We're sad that our tiny little baby isn't so tiny anymore, but it is SOOOO much fun to watch her learn, grow and be a little person now.

Graycen has been entertaining us with her new "tricks" and quirks:

She hates wearing socks.  This trait may have come from me - I don't like wearing socks either, I like my feet to be cold.  She is obsessed with her toes and socks, but not when they are together.  I'm not really sure why I put socks on her - she pulls them off within seconds.  Most babies go through a few outfit changes a day, but Graycen goes through several sock changes - mostly because she likes to pull them off and use them as chew toys.   

"Eating" her toes

Sock = chew toy

Graycen loves to make noise - lots of noise.  The louder, the better in her opinion.  Lately, she has been spitting/making bubbles.

Other updates:
  • Graycen is able to get into crawling "form" but hasn't quite figured out how to move her arms and legs in order to move.  So, for now she does her army crawl, or spins in a circle.
  •  Graycen LOVES the dogs, Halen in particular.  I'm not sure that the dogs are feeling the love back, though.  She wants to touch them whenever they are near, which usually means pulling on their tails, legs, and ears.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Happy Fall

Pumpkin Patch Adventures....

Making friends with the goat

Graycen's baby pumpkin

Searching for the best one....