
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Devouring Books...

...literally :)  My hope (one of many) is that Graycen loves books and reading as much as I do.  Here is she is "devouring" a few books during playtime.

My little reader....

Saturday, August 25, 2012

In good hands....

Graycen's amazing babysitter this week....

Cousin Brayden come to visit with Grandma to watch Graycen while I attended a week-long training.  Brayden had it under control: picked out her outfits, fed Graycen her meals, changed a few diapers.  Good thing he doesn't know to charge for his services yet :)


Thursday, August 16, 2012

6 months old!!!

6 Months Old

Seriously….6 months old….how does this happen?!?!? 

We continue to love this age/stage.  Graycen is so interactive and vocal, making us laugh all the time.  It seems like each day she is adding something new to her list of what she can do. 

Weight: 14.4 lbs (25th percentile)
Height: 26 inches long (50th percentile)

Graycen is now:

·         eating solids twice a day (except peas…), and often a mid-day snack of mashed bananas or avocado J

·         starting to make new sounds, starting with “mmmm”

·         doing a high pitch screech when she is irritated or annoyed

·         rolling over, mostly back to tummy

·         sitting up with minimal assistance

·         grasping at objects

·         moving objects between hands

·         mimicking our sounds

·         twirling all around on her activity bouncer

Things she wants to master…

·         rolling from tummy to back – she has done a few times, but can’t quite remember the process

·         drinking from a sippy cup – she knows it goes into her mouth, but she can’t figure out how to get the water out yet

·         getting up on hands and knees

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Verdict is in...

Graycen hates peas....

We have given her peas 3 times (in a row) and each time she seems to hate the taste even more.   Today, she was having a difficult time swallowing her peas - she kept gagging.

I have always HATED peas.  Well, I would need to check with mom to see when my hatred began, but...  I remember when I was younger, putting peas underneath the edge/rim of my plate in order to trick my parents into thinking that I ate them so I could be excused from the table.  Another "trick" I used was to quickly put them on Amy's plate when mom and dad weren't looking, and disgusting as it is, I would spit them into my milk glass when taking a drink. 

Garrett hates peas as well.  His parents were much nicer than mine - he wasn't forced to eat peas in order to be excused from the dinner table :)

Secretly, I'm kind of glad Graycen doesn't enjoy peas - I won't have to puree them for her now and hopefully won't have to prepare them in the future.

I was filming and feeding at the same time - not my best filming work :)

Monday, August 13, 2012

And another new trick...

Garrett and Graycen have a favorite sound to make together - lip popping/smacking.  He does this to her all the time and she loves it, and now she is trying to copy dad and do it back to him.  It is the cutest thing.  She curls her lips in - we refer to this look as the "old man face" - and makes an "mmm" sound.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Graycen has FINALLY figured out how to roll over from back to tummy!  She has been trying to figure this out for weeks :)  

Monday, August 6, 2012

Sunshine, Family and Fun

Fun in the SUNSHINE with family!  We had a packed house this weekend with Grandma, Poppa, Auntie Amy, cousin Brayden and Uncle Adam visiting - thankfully, it was such a beautiful weekend we were able to spend most of our time outside.  While the boys went "Man Shopping" (record, music, and movie shopping) on Saturday, we took the kids to enjoy the sun at Silver Lake.

Playground at Silver Lake
 Brayden had a great time playing on the huge playground - swings, slides, monkey bars, bridges, etc....

Brayden and Graycen hanging out in the park
 ...but, he was happy to spend some time in the shade with Graycen as well.

Auntie Amy and cousin Brayden

Beach time at the lake
aunties and cousins
We started off with a family breakfast at Garrett's favorite breakfast restaurant, Patty's Eggnest, before spending some time at Everett's Farmers Market and the pool.

Brayden's "Hungry Man" breakfast
Michael Phelps, is that you???

Snack #1 - ice cream bar while watching the boats

snack #2 - shaved ice
Wiped out!