
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Boy or Girl - the bet is on...

We won’t find out gender until our October appointment, but it has been fun trying to figure out what we think Baby Smith is.

 Garrett believes that Baby Smith is a boy – his logic…genetics???  He seems to think that because boys run in his family AND because everyone he knows has had a boy, we will be having a boy.  Not sure if his genetics theory is sound.  I have a “mothers intuition” that Baby Smith will be a girl.  My logic – just my gut feeling.

To help us figure it out, we went to the internet.  Based on 2 Chinese Calendars, using our conception date and my birthday, and Garrett’s birthday (I’m not sure why he thought his birthday had something to do with this), we will be having a girl.  This still did not convince Garrett, so we decided to try something more reliable and accurate – an internet quiz.   Based on our quiz results, we are 70% likely to have a girl. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

12 weeks and growing...

We just had our 12 week appointment and our "dot" now looks like a baby with arms and legs. The ultrasound was the best part - the baby was so active, swimming, flipping, waving and kicking. It is hard for me to believe that something so small (the size of a lime) and look so much like a baby and be so active.  The doctor told us that everything looks great and we can hopefully find out the gender at our 5 month appointment in October. 

As my best friend pointed out, the baby is not smiling in the picture so it must be taking after Garrett already J

Our Journey Begins...

Our journey began in June when Garrett and I went through our first IVF cycle, hoping for the best, but very aware of the statistics.  The doctor was able to retrieve several eggs, but not many made it through the process.  Unfortunately, my egg quality is low and the lab could only fertilize 3 eggs. 

So three days later, the doctor transferred all three and reminded us that it only takes one.  Two weeks later (end of June) we found out that the doctor was correct, it does only take one.  We were pregnant with our little miracle. 
The doctors monitored the pregnancy closely for the first few weeks with ultrasounds...we were able to see our baby (more like a "dot" at the time) at 5 weeks and listened to the heartbeat at 6 weeks.  SO AMAZING!